The Drcom-Client Open Source Project


2009-06-15: Tutorial and Download Page Update!

2009-06-11: drcom-client.ORG Launched!

A big THANKS to all our supporters for their LOVE to drcom-client!

We have finally got Online!

2009-06-11: drcom-client PUM v1.0 released

Support GNU/Linux

New features:

2009-03-28: drcom-client v1.4.8.2 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-11-02: drcom-client v1.4.8.1 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-10-22: drcom-client v1.4.8 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-05-17: drcom-client v1.4.6 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-04-12: drcom-client v1.4.4 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-04-05: drcom-client v1.4.2 released

Support GNU/Linux

Bugfixes and minor changes:

2008-03-31: drcom-client v1.4.0 released

Support GNU/Linux

New features: Bugfixes and minor changes: